
The Asian elephant is smaller than the African and its ears also short. There only one finger at the end of the trunk instead of two. But there are four round nails to the Sri Lankan elephant but Africans has only three.
Sri Lankan elephant has a personality that allows it to be domesticated. But it not means all the elephants. Wild elephants are more dangerous to the villages. They destroy all the cultivations and houses belonging to poor villages. Some time there are clash between elephants and people. As a result of that elephant had been killed and disappeared. Then people also had been killed by the wild elephants.
Tusk is the very valuable part of the elephant. It called as Ivory. Most female elephants and many of the male elephants have no tusk at all. Most of wild elephants live in group. There are is a leader to that group. It is depend on the power of the elephant. Mostly the leader of that group may be an oldest female elephant. So young males have been banished from their group and they make their own small herds and live together.
How ever Ceylon elephant listed as an endangered animal. There are more than 12,000 elephants in 1900 but now we have only about 2500. They are live in major national parks.
Those who injured or abandoned cached by warden of wild life and treated in elephant orphanage and transported to the parks to live.
Ceylon subspecies are listed by the World Conservation Union as threatened.
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