Butterflies of Sri Lanka-Three-Spot Grass Yellow

Three-Spot Grass Yellow

Eurema blanda
Three-Spot Grass Yellow , Eurema blanda is a small butterfly of the Family Pieridae, that is, the Yellows and Whites.
Upperside bright yellow. FW outer black border broad in the apical area. HW with a marginal narrow black line or band. Underside pale yellow. FW with a larger, apical reddish brown patch and a 3 small black spots in the cell. Wingspan 40-50mm. A butterfly of lowland forests, up to 900m in the hills. Resembles the common grass yellow. But for the apical patch on the undersurface and the cell spots.

Habitat: Forests, Grass lands and open areas
Distribution: All zones of the country
Status: Common 


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