Bird of sri lanka-Sri Lanka Scaly Thrush

The Sri Lanka Scaly Thrush; Zoothera imbricata is a member of the thrush family Turdidae. This bird is a non-migratory resident breeder found in south western wetlands of the island of Sri Lanka. Zoothera imbricata is usually treated as a race of Z. dauma or the White's Thrush. It belongs in a group, possibly a super species, formed by that species and Z. lunulata, Z. heinei, Z. machiki, Z. talaseae, Z. margaretae etc., Z. imbricata being smaller, longer billed and Rufous below.
Sri Lanka Scaly Thrush is 24 cm. Olive brown above heavily scaled with black. Whitish throat; the rest of the under parts are tawny buff heavily scaled black, with whitish on belly and vent. Bill is rather large, blackish with paler lower mandible. Similar spp. the only other species of Zoothera thrush in the species’ range, Spot-winged Ground-thrush Zoothera spiloptera lacks scaling on the back and is white rather than tawny coloured below. Voice song is a series of prolonged, single, sibilant, rich whistles. Not loud but far-carrying.
Distribution and population of Sri Lanka Scaly Thrush; Zoothera imbricata occurs in the Wet Zone of south-west Sri Lanka. Its population is thought to be moderately small as it is reportedly uncommon. It resides in moist evergreen forests from 400 to 2,200 m within the 'Wet Zone' of Sri Lanka. A recent record suggests the species also inhabits forest in the 'Intermediate Zone'. Also recorded from plantations, copses and parks
English Name: - Sri Lanka Scaly Thrush
Sinhala Name: – Pethi-gomara Wal-avichchiya
Scientific Name: - Zoothera imbricata


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