Detail of Sri Lanka Flowers-Nymphaea pubescens(Manel)

Nymphaea pubescens
Sinhala: Manel
Tamil: Kamalam, Alli Tamarei
                       We can identify mainly three types of Authentic Water Lilies in Sri Lanka. In Sinhala they are used as Olu (white) the Nelum (pink and white colors) and Nil Manel (magenta with yellow in the middle).
In February 1986 Nil Manel or blue water lily (Nymphaea stellata, though it has been recently renamed as Nymphaea nouchali) was chosen as the National flower. Nil Manel can find all the part of Sri Lanka and grows in the shallow water.
he Nil manel (Blue Lilies) is most popular among the local variety for its color and because it blooms from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. mostly in the whole day.
It is with the first rays of the sun that the closed bud of the Manel opens and shows the world the beautiful pink blush that touches its petals. Blooming in shades of pink, blue and white on magenta with yellow in the middle, and also this plant has its roots deep in muddy waters.

One of several flowering plants which show striking adaptations to life in water, this flower is highly valued in aquatic horticulture in Sri Lanka. It has several local varieties which differ in size and color.
The flower blooms on a long stalk and floats on the surface. Each is 7-20 cm in diameter, has four sepals and numerous petals which vary in size and color. The petals are usually pale whitish violet or less commonly light blue and occasionally pinkish purple.
The botanical name of the flower is Nymphaea stellata Wild. The first part of the name has been derived from the Greek word "nymphaia" which means water lily and the second part from the Latin word "stellatus" meaning star. This is because in a lake having an abundance of this plant, the leaves and flowers give the appearance of a star studded sky.
We find the Sigiriya Apsaravas’s in frescoes holding these flowers in their hands. Seeds and the tubes are used as a vegetable by villagers while leaves stem and flowers are used in herbal medicine.
The plant grows in streams, tanks and ponds throughout Sri Lanka’s low country and flowers almost all year round.

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